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Want to request a refund?

We believe that refunding should be a smooth and easy process. If you are not happy with the products you receive, you should be happy with how easy it is to send them back. You’ve got 90 days to think and see if you want to keep the products.

To process your refund we’ll need a couple of things. But most importantly your order number and email. Please fill in the form below and we’ll get in touch asap. If you want to know more about the refund process you can read it on our refund page.

Want to request a refund?

We believe that refunding should be a smooth and easy process. If you are not happy with the products you receive, you should be happy with how easy it is to send them back. You’ve got 90 days to think and see if you want to keep the products.

To process your refund we’ll need a couple of things. But most importantly your order number and email. Please fill in the form below and we’ll get in touch asap. If you want to know more about the refund process you can read it on our refund page.


Do you want to return an item?

You have 90 days from the moment of home delivery to return the items.

If you want to return an item, we will cover the return shipping costs. Within 14 working days, the purchase amount will be refunded to the account from which the item was paid.

A return is arranged in no time!

  1. First, fill in the form at the top of this page and send your order number and email to use. We’ll get back to you with the return address and check if we have your correct details.
  2. Return your package with the return form enclosed and completed to the address that we provide. Make sure to package them properly to prevent damage on shipping!
  3. The order amount due will be refunded within 14 days after registration of your return, provided that the product has already been returned in good order.

Refund FAQ

Can I return just one of the products in my order?

Yes you can. Once the refund request has been made we will contact you about what items you want to refund and make sure that all details are correct.

What if a product is broken on arrival?

Sadly it can happen that something breaks in shipping. But don’t worry, feel free to contact our customer service and we’ll send you a new product for free.

What if I received the wrong product?

Sometimes we grab the wrong product and ship it out to you. If this is the case contact customer service and we’ll send you the correct product for free.

What if something is missing from my order?

If your order is not complete or there seems to be a part missing feel free to contact our customer service and we’ll help you sort out the issue.

Are there any exceptions to returns?

You’ll probably understand that you can’t return the following products:

  • products that noticeably have been used (e.g. filled with compost)
  • Garden accessories of which the packaging has been destroyed.
Am I able to try a product?

Yes, you may try your product as you would in a store.

Don’t like the product? Then you can return it. It is important to return your product in its original condition and packaging. So we can make someone else happy.

Can I cancel my return?

No need to cancel a return. If we don’t receive the item(s) the refund is automatically canceled.

Will I receive a full refund after returning?

Almost always. But it does depend on the condition of your product. To get the full purchase price back it is important to return your product in its original condition and undamaged. This way we can make someone else happy with a new product.

So feel free to examine the product as you would in a store. Example: take the seed tray out of the box and examine it from all sides but don’t start growing your seedlings in it.

Can’t find what you are looking for?!

Head over to our customer page and connect with us. We are happy to answer all your questions and help you out.

Can’t find what you are looking for?!

Head over to our customer page and connect with us. We are happy to answer all your questions and help you out.