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Scabiosa Beaujolais Bonnets


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High germination rates


Seeds from professional breeders


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Scabiosa atropurpurea Beaujolais Bonnets
Any flower lover will agree that any type of scabiosa or pincushion flower is worth their spot in the garden. Very beautiful variety with mauve-pink petals surrounding a deeper pink center with white stamens. To use they look a bit like raspberries, especially just before the buds start to open.

Planting information to grow Scabiosa Beaujolais Bonnets from seed:
Plant type: hardy perennial
Height: 80 to 90 centimeters
Position: full sun or partial sun
Start: 6-8 weeks before last frost date
Number of days until plants bloom: 80 – 100 days
Distance between the plants: 25 to 30 centimeters
Pinching: no recommended
germination: 1 week at around 17 to 20 °C
Number of seeds per pack: 50

How to grow scabiosa Beaujolais Bonnets from seed
You can start seed in the spring or late summer. to start seeds in spring you can sow them 6 to 8 weeks before the last frost date. If you like to overwinter plants in the greenhouse you can sow the scabiosa Snowmaiden seeds in September in seed trays. You can direct sow the seeds in spring and thin out later. Plant out September sowings the following spring. Plant out the spring-sown seedlings around the last expected frost date. Water and deadhead regularly to support new flower growth. We have grown scabiosa in full sun and partial sun with great success. The plants might require some support.


Weight 5 g
Plant type

Hardy perennial

Flower height

80 – 90 cm

Plant distance

25 – 30 cm

Days to mature

80 – 100 days

Sun requirements

Full sun or partial sun


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Scabiosa Beaujolais Bonnets


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